Thursday, March 10, 2011

Gaming Presentation Review

We presented an idea for a game that was based on a ton of doodles I did in high school and some characters I created, modified a bit with everyone's input. I'd like to think we got everything across pretty well, but let's see what I can think of that we did less than perfect...

First of all, I don't think we got the story of the game across as well as we could have. The concept was that there are 12 main characters who you follow through the game. The game begins with two of them unleashing an ancient evil (bear with me through the cliche here) along with a good force that were both sealed away. The evil escapes and begins to plot to take over the world...or...something. The good force splits itself up and seeks out the 12 main characters and gives them special powers. The initial two characters journey across the world, gathering allies and weakening the evil forces at work. At certain points the party either splits up or the story switches to a different character, making the player choose who to follow and giving them more variety. I felt like we could have gotten the plot as a whole across to everyone a bit better, but we were close enough.

I think it was pretty hard to discuss mechanics very well, mostly since we never really planned out anything besides plot, characters and platform. We had a skeleton idea of what the controls would be, but nothing specific. Jump, a few attack buttons, maybe a block...that was about it. Aside from the fact that not everyone in my group is a gamer (as thus didn't know the jargon/lingo/slang/nonsense I did), it was still not something we defined very well. This also made mechanics a weak point of our presentation in my opinion. We couldn't get it across very well to each other, so obviously we couldn't get it across as well to an audience.

Overall I did enjoy the project (partly because it didn't have anywhere NEAR as much crunch time as the previous two...) because I enjoy video games AND sharing ideas with others.

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